Extraordinary General Meeting will be held on Thursday 2nd November at 2pm

20 September 2023

Arrangements for the EGM on 6.10 2023 have been changed . The EGM will now take place on Thursday 2nd November 2023 at 2pm as per the notice


Our AGM is arranged alongside our Annual Conference in York on 3rd November 2023.

In advance of the AGM the Committee intends to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting to discuss issues which need to be resolved before the AGM.

For some time your Committee has been looking at modernising and updating our Constitution, which was conceived before the advent of remote working practices.

There are changes which we believe will ensure the CLSA continues to grow and develop, modernise and improve engagement between Committee and members, with our membership numbers already the highest they have been for many years. Rest assured nothing in the proposed amended Constitution is intended to change what we stand for, our structure, or the work that we do.

Committee does however believe we need to make changes to update the Constitution including changes to allow remote attendance and voting at AGMs to ensure as many members as possible have their say, and also update rules relating to Officers of the CLSA to ensure there is better continuity of leadership, particularly as we as a profession appear to be lurching from crisis to crisis.

We also wish to make it easier for people who wish to become involved to join Committee.

I therefore give notice that pursuant to 11.2 of the extant Constitution of an Extraordinary General Meeting which will be held on Thursday 2nd November 2023 at 2pm at the Grand Hotel York in The Chairman’s Suite to discuss and vote on the new amended Constitution. Attendance is welcome both in person or via zoom for those unable to attend.

Details of the link, together with the proposed updated Constitution will be published here

Updated Constitution here CLSA-DRAFT-CONSTITUTION-27.9.2023 km -v6

I hope to see many of you there