With your support, we have a real voice

The Criminal Law Solicitors’ Association is the only organisation entirely committed to professionals working in the field of criminal law in England and Wales. We need you to join us so that we can represent your interests and speak on behalf of criminal law practitioners.

Join us now


Criminal Legal Aid Advisory Board (CLAAB) annual report 2024

Criminal Legal Aid Advisory Board (CLAAB) annual report 2024 This is the first CLAAB annual report, prepared by the Chair and independent members of the CLAAB, and presented to the Lord Chancellor. The report sets out the CLAAB’s view of the criminal legal aid system...

The Criminal Law Solicitors’ Association represents criminal law solicitors throughout England and Wales.

Your representative body when times are tough

CLSA membership brings with it support for the only organisation exclusively fighting for better terms for criminal solicitors throughout England and Wales. We respond to all important legislative proposals impacting on criminal law and have representatives on many important consultative bodies. We have been representing our members now for 30 years. We regularly engage directly with the MOJ on issues impacting on criminal law. We have a vibrant email group and facebook page where you can get support from fellow professionals and a lively and informative annual conference.

Applications for full membership are welcome from criminal law solicitors. Associate membership is for all those, including police station Legal Executives, Accredited Representatives and paralegals, working in criminal law firms and who are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

Firms represented

eAlerts sent to Members

Consultation responses

Years since CLSA founded