
2025 Criminal Law: How Lawyers and Law Firms Will Adapt

2025 Criminal Law: How Lawyers and Law Firms Will Adapt

The landscape of criminal law in the UK is expected to undergo notable changes by 2025. In the UK, 6.66 million crimes were recorded by police in 2023/24. The crime rate in England and Wales has generally been decreasing over the last decade (although it certainly...

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Why I Chose Criminal Law: Advocating for Those Wronged

Why I Chose Criminal Law: Advocating for Those Wronged

In a series of blogs, we are speaking to our CLSA membership and asking them why they chose to qualify into Criminal Law…. Was it a passion from an early age, something inspired by events in their life, or a complete accident? Robert Gregory of Robert Gregory...

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Working with Registered Intermediaries

Working with Registered Intermediaries

The Ministry of Justice Witness Intermediary Scheme trains and provides Registered Intermediaries (RIs) to facilitate communication with around 9,000 vulnerable victims and witnesses in police investigations and criminal trials each year. RIs have unique...

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