
Working with Registered Intermediaries

Working with Registered Intermediaries

The Ministry of Justice Witness Intermediary Scheme trains and provides Registered Intermediaries (RIs) to facilitate communication with around 9,000 vulnerable victims and witnesses in police investigations and criminal trials each year. RIs have unique...

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Spooky Criminal Facts: The Witchcraft Act

Spooky Criminal Facts: The Witchcraft Act

In a time when witches were feared more than bad costume parties, the UK Witchcraft Act made its chilling debut in 1542, officially turning spell-casting into a crime punishable by death! But, like a Halloween prank, the Act was repealed and re-established 20 years...

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Why I Chose Criminal Law: Justice for Vulnerable Communities

Why I Chose Criminal Law: Justice for Vulnerable Communities

In a series of blogs, we are speaking to our CLSA membership and asking them why they chose to qualify into Criminal Law…. Was it a passion from an early age, something inspired by events in their life, or a complete accident? Adonis Daniel, a Consultant Solicitor at...

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Power Moves for Newly Qualified Criminal Law Solicitors

Power Moves for Newly Qualified Criminal Law Solicitors

Congratulations on qualifying as a Solicitor! Years of hard work have paid off and you are now a fully-fledged legal professional, ready to take on the criminal law world. As a newly qualified solicitor, particularly in the dynamic field of criminal law, you are...

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