NOTICE OF CLSA AGM Friday 12 November at 13:00 via Zoom

5 October 2021

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I hereby give notice that the Annual General Meeting of the Criminal Law Solicitors’ Association will be held on Friday 12 November at 13:00 via Zoom

CLSA Hon. Secretary


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Treasurer’s Report and approval of Annual Accounts

3. Chairman’s Report

4. Election of Committee Members

5. Election of Officers

6. AOB

If you are interested in becoming a CLSA Committee Member and or an Officer of the Association please email Mark Savage, Hon. Secretary, for further information

Nomination of a member for election shall be valid only if it is received by the Secretary not later than 21 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting i.e. Thursday 21st October at 13:00

Click here to view a copy of the constitution